(813) 884-1232

Pentecost. Order for Worship. LCOS. June 5th.  2022 

Presiding Minister: Pastor José Luis La Torre Cuadros.

Minister of Music: Naoko Okada    

Please download and print or keep open the attached bulletin, and then follow the order of worship. There are parts that you need to read using your printed bulletin and other parts you follow Pastor and Music Director clicking on the links of the pre-recorded hymns, sermon and prayers.

1. Silent Meditation/Prelude Amazing Grace”  LCOS Choir 

2. Gathering Hymn: Click on the link Hymn # 400 “God of Tempest, God of Whirlwind”

3. Pastoral Greeting and Prayer of the Day: Open your bulletin and click on the link

4. Readings: Read your bulletins.

5. Gospel: Read your bulletins.

6. Special Music: “Magnify Him” by K.Tally LCOS Choir 

7. Sermon: Printed in the bulletin or Click on the link

8. Creed: Read your bulletins

9. Hymn of the Day: Click on the link Hymn # 399 “O Holy Spirit, Root of Life” 

10. Prayers of IntercessionBlessing and Sending: open your bulletin and click on the link

11. Sending Hymn: Click on the link Hymn # 

12. Offering: You can send us your offering by mail or online using the following link (click on Giving):

13. Lectura del Domingo y Mensaje Pastoral